Monday, December 14, 2009

last day on the island

Being on the island for 38 days, took a toll on my physical state causing me to go somewhat crazy. By the time we were finally rescued, I couldn't remember what it felt like to be around people, the only people that I was able to associate with were the few people that survived the plane crash. When I was on the island I didn't receive the proper nutrition because finding food on the island was rather difficult and some days we wouldn't eat anything at all cause we wouldn't find any food that day.

I thank the helicopter that saw our fire signal, cause I don't think we could of survived on the island for much longer. Our resources that we found on the plane after the crash were used up rather quickly cause we didn’t think of the possibility that we could be trapped on the island for a long time, which we were.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Life after the crash

Its been about a week now since the plane crashed on this mysterious island. When we first crashed it was late at night so it was dark. The next morning when i woke up I couldn't remember where I was. I decided to take a walk around the island to check out the scenery and find out if there were any other suviors from the crash.While exploring i found my friend Catherine in a near by bush, the plane crash must of cause her to fly off and land in a bush. When i first saw Catherine the first thing i thought was "is she dead," Catherine was still knocked out from the tramatic night that had gone on the night before. I tried my best top try and wake Catherine up. After she finally awoke, she couldn't recall the night before so I informed her of the information that i knew. After explaining to her what had happened we disided to venture else where. On our hike through the island we found several other passsangers from plane 311, Ericson and Kaykin. We also found several different sources of food in which we have been consuming for the last week here these include: mangos, coconuts, tropical berries, and almonds.On our second night on the island we set up and small camp that would keep us some what warm for the night until we had more light to make a more stable living situation. Not having a change of clothes for a week has caused me to feel very dirty, I hope we find our fallen plane soon, so I can get a change of clothes.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

About me

Hello my fellow bloggers!
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I'm Amber, I was born on March 11Th, 1994 in Redwood City, California. I am currently 15 years old. I'm a sophomore at Burlingame High school. Before going to Burlingame high, I
went to a private school for eight years at St. Matt's Catholic school in San Mateo. We had to wear uniforms every day which kind sucked. Going to St. Matt's I gained a good foundation and made life long friends that are like my brothers and sisters.

At Burlingame high I play on the volleyball team coached by Laurie Huddleson. We have only lost two games this season. We are tied for first with Mills High School. Our last game is tomorrow at San Mateo High. In the middle of the season our coach was diagnoised with breast cancer. This hurt our team emotionally, but we all said we were going to win for Huddy ( our coach). We work hard at practice and strive to become a better and closer team as a whole. Wish us luck tomorrow. Go Panthers!